Engaging in Research

NDSU has an impressive array of highly qualified and skilled faculty, staff and student researchers, conducting basic and applied research in a wide variety of disciplines. Our discoveries advance scientific knowledge, help industry and companies succeed in the marketplace, and serve to benefit citizens of our state and society as a whole.

Industry Sponsored Research

行业赞助的研究由大学人员和学生承担,以解决赞助商确定的需求.  项目可能涉及基础或乐虎集团研究,旨在发现和解释事实, 开发新的分析和实验方案或新理论的实际乐虎集团, analysis, data gathering and experiments. 

发起人有权将研究结果和在研究项目期间开发的任何技术用于其内部研究目的.  在研究项目的过程中开发了可申请专利的技术(发明), ownership of that invention would be determined by inventorship, in accordance with US Patent Law.

赞助者总是得到任何发明的及时通知,并获得为其自己的商业目的许可该发明的第一选择.  NDSU将保留公布研究项目结果的权利,并将该发明用于教学和研究目的.

尽管工业赞助商可能希望获得有利于其运营的具体结果, NDSU不能保证具体的结果或保证任何研究项目的结果.


Sponsored Research Project with Defined Scope of Work

 The Industry Sponsored Research Agreement, which has been used by the university for many years, 一份直接的合同是否解决了赞助基础研究的固有问题,并适用于各种各样的项目.  这一传统合同包括与联邦政策和现行高等教育实践相一致的知识产权条款,并为赞助商提供将研究中开发的任何技术商业化的专有权.  A sample agreement template is available for review. 

For applied research projects, NDSU can, upon approval from the identified researchers, 提供替代许可选项,其中包括有限期限非独家免版税(NERF)协议*,以评估技术, a NERF agreement with the time-limited option for an exclusive, royalty-bearing license*, and an advanced license agreement that includes present licensing terms*.  有关这些替代许可协议的更多信息,请单击下面的按钮.

Master Research Agreements

主研究协议(MRA)定义了单个赞助者可以资助多个研究项目的条款.  MRA最初可能需要更长的谈判时间,因为该协议需要解决多个研究方案,但它将使个别项目的谈判相当简单和快速.  如果赞助商有赞助多个独立研究项目的历史,并且希望承诺未来为大学提供资金,则建议提交MRA.  A sample template MRA 是否可供审查,但我们总是愿意从赞助商提供的协议开始.

Agreement for General Research Support

The Express Research Agreement*为公司提供了一个简单的方法来支持NDSU特定领域的研究. This one-page document covers the basic terms for the research funding. 赞助方可以选择协商许可,将研究过程中开发的任何技术商业化,并在研究结束时收到技术报告.  赞助者也将在研究结果的任何出版物中得到承认. 

*这些合同模板和许可选项不得用于使用任何联邦资金的项目. If a sponsor is using any federal funds to support a proposed research project, 适用的联邦条款和条件将适用于发给NDSU的任何分合同.  

Industrial Consortium

University Consortia are partnerships between the university, industry, government, 和/或基金会的发展,以解决共同关心的问题,一般在同一行业的成员.  作为联盟一部分进行的大学研究旨在解决联盟成员面临的新需求或共同问题,而不是专注于特定成员的需求.  虽然工业联盟开发的知识产权通常可供所有联盟成员使用, 在特定的联盟协议中定义了如何在给定的联盟中处理IP.

Industrial Consortiums at NDSU include:

  • Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites - CB2
  • NDSU Computer Science Industry/University Consortium Program 
  • North Dakota Partner in Nursing (PIN) Gerontology Consortium 
  • Center for Quality, Reliability and Maintainability Engineering

Testing Services


  • 要求使用其他地方没有或不容易获得的独特或特殊的NDSU设施, or  
  • 是否按照保荐人制定的协议进行,并要求使用保荐人的专有材料, or
  • involve established, 主要技术性的预先存在的方法,不需要原创性, creative thought.

这些服务不涉及任何专家分析或自由裁量判断,可根据 NDSU's Testing Service Agreement or through a NDSU Service Center.  A project that requires the development of new methodologies, new tools, 或者对结果的任何分析/解释将被视为研究项目而不是测试服务.

The Testing Services Agreement is a non-negotiable contract used for measuring, testing or fabricating company-owned materials. Ownership of the testing results and any inventions which involve the use of, composition of, or improvement to company-provided materials or information, or a derivative, analogue thereof will be owned by the company.  NDSU publication rights are limited to only new scientific findings. 调查人员必须同意使用TSA,并须提交一份调查协议(Investigator Agreement) with all internal routing forms for Testing Services projects.  The Investigator Agreement addresses Conflict of Interest, 与服务活动相关的出版和知识产权问题.

Contract Research

NDSU, as a land grant institution, has three missions: the education of students, the creation of new knowledge, and the dissemination of knowledge.  As such, NDSU并不在其行业合作伙伴的指导下执行合同研究服务.

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